The concerts at the Botanic Gardens allow food and drink. Most people bring a little cooler with their supplies, a blanket upon which to reside, and take a minimal amount of space so as to allow others room to picnic.
This was our ”picnic.” No skimping here – gluten free Thai chicken wraps, individual servings of fruit and vegetables, Trader Joe’s entire snack selection of nuts and dried fruit, chocolate molten lava cake brownies and sugar cookies, breads, crackers, dip, popcorn and fizzy drinks. (Even pickled okra!) We had so much we offered the security guards food, as well as other people gawking at our spread. Only one person had the audacity to be choosy. When offered a wrap he queried, ”Do you possibly have shrimp?”
To be fair, we did look like we had it all.
It was almost embarrassing how much food we had for a 2 hour venture!
You should have all earned a badge for being prepared:)
Hooray for Trader Joe’s goodies. JP