Lazy and Yemen

We are neither, but every morning that is what my ears hear from the wonderful Turkish guide we have. “Ladies and Gentlemen.”

We are in the “Concept Hotel” this evening. That is code for, “We converted a big 20-story concrete block of apartments into a funky hotel with crazy paint and lots of room for your stuff.” It’s quite beautiful as it overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The weather is stellar. It has rained, snowed, been foggy, and brilliantly sunny all today. Currently we have windows open to cool our rooms, though we started bundled up in our winter attire. Reminds us of a Colorado day!

Thanks to Google Translate and my spouse, we made it through our “Be My Guest” experience. Lunch was in a little farm house, cooked on a pot-bellied stove, and served by the inhabitants who spoke no English. Five of the guests are Aussie, and sometimes we need to translate their speech! The seven of us were working to make conversation when my husband whipped out his phone and we translated our questions. It was a saving grace in that it saved me from having to sing to entertain the crowd. Another story.

For now, I bid you a Turkish farewell, Lazy and Yemen.