Private Flight

There was a report on this morning’s news of a man catching a flight to find himself the only passenger. My daughter and I could have made the news, too!

Years ago we flew to San Francisco with a connecting flight. We landed, deplaned, sat in the small terminal awaiting our 20-minute flight, and sat. There was no one at the gate, the counters, and of course, no security as it was pre-911. What did we do? We called my husband.

As a 500 million mile flyer, (slight exaggeration) he knew the ropes. He learned we still had a flight and we just had to wait. Apparently, our connection left early as everyone but my daughter and I were there. Perhaps they were gambling we wouldn’t show? We did and had an entire flight to ourselves.

The flight attendant did her job and ran through the safety business. We sat in the rear and mid-flight rang her little call button. We just wanted to thank her and give her a little something to do.

Apparently those days of travel are gone with thousands of delays this weekend. Safe travels holiday wanderers.