Travel Influencer

Okay – some young pup is touting travel tips and I’m scoffing. As one who travels lightly, I think I also travel quite cleverly.

She said to pack oatmeal (of all things!) because every hotel has hot water and a cup. We already do that. But we don’t put the oatmeal in little plastic bags, an unnecessary step. We pack the instant which is already doled out. I have learned that arriving hungry is not good for my travel buddy. The “influencer” didn’t mention my all-time favorite hack, which has come in quite usefully many times. Duct tape.

I wrap duct tape around a tube or can of spray or whatever – not taking the entire roll – because you never know? It has held a raincoat together for me, covered a metal emu traveling from Australia to Kansas with its head poking out of my luggage, and enforced a rip in my bag.

I don’t know. These young ‘uns could still use some edjacatin’.

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