Danger, Danger Will Robinson!

Why that came to mind? I didn’t get to watch “Lost in Space,” but I’ve heard that line enough to feel that I have. It doesn’t really apply to anything other than the little mystery we’ve encountered here in the ‘hood.

For the past two mornings our newspaper has arrived, deep teeth marks, gashed and torn to shreds, strewn across the neighbor’s yard. (She gets all the fun stuff. The deer, falcon, our litter.) My best guess is that the driver throws the paper, a wild animal (fox) mistakes it for a small creature and scoops it up, demolishing it and dragging it to its death until realization kicks in.

There is always a silver lining though. The puzzle section has remained intact. At least the creature has discriminating tastes.

Two puzzles and a cup of caffeine await and hopefully no serious danger in the day.