
Past Independence Day celebrations included yard work, tree removal, and various home projects waiting their turn. I use The Fourth as the marker for trimming shrubs in the front yard. I’m pretty sure this “yard” business started years ago in my youth.

We kids waited patiently for Dad to come home from work – what was being harvested in July? I assume winter wheat? Anyway, to bide the time we probably mowed the lawn and helped Mom get ready for the big fireworks show! Our father enjoyed lighting some displays – and usually he brought them home that evening. I know it’s where my love for igniting fireworks began, as well as my enjoyment of yard work. The two are connected.

Tonight from our porch we will see Denver and its many displays in the distance – and my neighbor, a decent guy, will most likely set off a huge show in the sky. We will applaud. I only hope he quits the celebration by midnight. My bedroom window faces his property!

Enjoy your independence and remember those who set the path for it.