Read the Manual

Worried about the possibility of a sleepless night, my spouse informed me, “Read the manual for that power wheels transport you ordered for our granddaughter.”

Ah. Yes. I never would have approved of our children driving a motorized vehicle at the age of three, yet, somehow, it seems totally plausible with our granddaughter? And…she is exceptionally adept at the process of steering, reversing, and now – within 24 hours – a three point turn!

Of course, I learned that my spouse has been instructing her in the automotive ways of turning an ignition key on the ATV, 4×4, Firebird, lawn tractor, and motorhome. (I have now divulged more transportive information than is necessary.) This child is a gearhead at an early age.

Back to me. I am hopefully sleeping fitfully without reading the manual…and knowing my little pup is learning from the best motor-head possible.