Football Chatter

After a rather lengthier-than-needed-to-be-and advertised-as-short-meeting this evening, I came home to finish watching the Chiefs vs. Ravens game. My spouse met me and we watched the second half, commenting along the way.

It seems to me – with this new rule regarding kick-off returns and the repositioning of the lines, that statistics will now be skewed to pre-2024/2025 season and post 2024/2025. It’s different to watch the kick-offs, that’s for sure. And my opinion is still open for the change, regardless of its weirdness. It does make it seem that the kick-off is pretty anti-climactic – so far. Maybe some sideline coach will figure out a clever scheme to dramatize it?

Football commentator would appeal to me as a job. I could throw in lots of meaningless quips and observations – and maybe that would appeal to an entirely new audience? Heck, personal experience winning the trophy for flag football senior year in college should give me some credibility?

I have not crossed this opportunity off the career checklist.