Today Is…?

After doing some higher math, I concluded that door-to-door travel was slightly over 30 hours. (Would have been slightly shorter had a member of the traveling party remembered to set her alarm in the house. It added approximately ten minutes to departure time. We are still reeling from the shock.)

Today I sit in front of this gorgeous early morning view with the river in front of me and the lights of the city barely blinking. It is calm and quiet, I am rested for now, and more adventure awaits.

Even in my exhaustion I was totally surprised by last evening’s beautiful dinner replete with the most delicious coconut cake I have ever tasted. Overflowing gratitude to one of the best sisters in the world – Pom. We met some of her family and friends, dined exquisitely, and celebrated the beautify of her homeland. Today we look forward to another day with this most knowledgeable native guide. She perfectly explains history to us lingually-challenged Americans and freely converses in Thai and English. It is just delightful to listen to her.

I give myself an hour before I want to sleep again, and hope that this caffeine jolt kicks in around then. For now, I revel in the beauty of this created world with its inexhaustible diversity and glory.

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