The Concert

It’s always a treat to enjoy live music in a foreign land.

Yesterday we happened upon a closet-sized stall with a vendor selling kitchen wares, and Buddhas, of course. A friendly man, he inquired as to our homeland. That’s always an interesting progression of facts: USA, Colorado, “John Denver.” You might as well just say it.

Immediately this friendly purveyor launched into, “Country Roads,” and of course, I joined in for all verses. He had a very hearty voice and excellent pronunciation. After the smattering of applause he then regaled us with the story of his daughter, who graduated from CSU, and proudly showed us her two diplomas, the other for her PHd in psychology from Ohio State. He was just delightful and able to direct us to the nearest toilet in Chinatown, a valuable nugget of information.

This little glimpse of joy happened because I really like looking at kitchen merchandise when I travel, even if I have to move sideways through a skinny aisle to see the treasures. I found nothing of material value, only that of shared loves – music and family. A highlight of the day.

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