A Masterpiece

The only magnet allowed to grace my refrigerator now holds a work of art by my granddaughter. It is a colorful rendition of her obvious ability to put ink to paper with a thoughtful and masterful technique.

As I pass by this addition to the kitchen, I am amused at the way we adults encourage the arts at such a young age. “Oh, you are a great artist!” “What a pretty song you are singing!” “”Tell me more about your picture.” “You’re such a great pianist!” “That’s a fun song.”

By the time college comes around and the words, “I’m going to major in art history,” “I’m majoring in vocal music,” “I’m going for interpretive dance as a career,” are spewed, parents begin the back-peddle to find a happy alternative that will be more lucrative, or at least, “pay the bills.”

Of course we should always encourage each other and celebrate accomplishments whether they make it to the fridge or not. Enjoying the earthly journey to our destination is as important as pinning it down. And right now, the Tuesday morning earth is covered in snow and I’ve got to get going to test the icy roads. I shall endeavor to enjoy the ride!