
…the best medicine! My sister is visiting.

We have had enough belly-laughs to produce core-strengthening in our abs. It’s the best exercise of all. Last night my daughter planned an evening which turned into quite the fun. Trivia night!

This was the upscale kind of event at a hip bar, using our phone to answer the questions. Even though we kept our mouths covered from possible lip-readers as we discussed answers, we did not eke out a win or even an honorable mention for our clever name. (It wasn’t very clever, just difficult to pronounce.)

Oh, get a young person to plan your evening and it’s sure to expand your funny bone. We would have continued the amusement with the “silent disco” event downtown, but it was already past our bedtime and it was only Monday evening. We have the rest of the week to pack with liveliness.

Thus, I shall be running this morning to Home Depot to curb my enthusiasm with the purchase of deck sealant and mulch, both to be applied in this glorious weather. My guess is we could make even those mundane tasks an entertaining event!


Torrential downpour. Somehow the song, “The Things We Do For Love,” popped into my head as I flung my legs over the side of the bed and commenced to don foul weather gear. I don’t think this was the “walking in the rain” of which 10cc sang.

I am so happy that my fertilization of the trees and lawn is being rewarded. I am super-glad we mitigated the flooding in the basement when we have heavy rains by pouring new concrete. And I am most grateful for an umbrella, though possibly too wimpy, on this unusual day of inundation.

Ah yes. The things we do for love! Off to join others in an early morning fund-raising walk – or swim – and quite happy to do so for the cherished love of friends.


Yesterday, while heading out of the neighborhood grade school, all eyes were peeled on the skies and the military helicopter flying over. The little kiddies were waving and jumping up and down, extremely excited to see such a large bird!

I was looking up, admiring the sight, when the pilot made a big old circle and came back around for the kids. It was so cool and thrilling to have him flying low and sharing his flight with children.

Just a lovely reminder of the kindness all around us.

Too Far?

The guy at the paint counter said, “Really?” I needed a quart of exterior pink paint for the front door.

I proceeded to tell him that it could be the swiftest way to get a new front door. Perhaps my spouse would insist on replacing the well-worn wood feature with a more modern, energy-efficient entrance if the color was not appealing to him? Of course, I then realized my husband has a slight degree of color-blindness and he might really like the new color? The paint guy just shook his head, I’m sure musing about what kind of day it was going to be.

His parting words, “At least it’s not going to be red.” There is still a sense of humor in the paint department.

Welcome Back!

Oh…maintenance. This blog is sometimes confounding, and when your techie son isn’t available and you are forced to figure things out on your own, problems ensue. Alas – some of you were accidentally deleted, some added twice, some just plain floating out there somewhere. Apologies.

There is nothing too mundane to capture today – just another Wednesday with the women and trying to sneak a nap in. But guess what? The Indian Paintbrush is returning near the spigot in the backyard. If that doesn’t get you ready for summer, then what will?

Looking for warmth and changing the photo on the header to assist in the endeavor.

Nat Geo

What’s the first thing you do after a diving vacation? Return home and watch all of the shows about the coral reefs and octopi that you can, of course!

There is something incredibly soothing and relaxing in scuba diving once you are actually under the waves. You only really have to breathe. There are no other commitments to attend to, no other thoughts to occupy your mind, nobody needing your opinion or time. You just breathe and be. And then you see another amazing world.

National Geographic channel has “The Secret Life of the Octopus” running. If I didn’t get so darn cold in the ocean I’d love to suit up and go searching for these beauties. So this is a plug for the show – mesmerizing creatures.

And now back to our yard – one squirrel, a rabbit and a few robins. Another beautiful world.

Island Fashion

Our resort is hosting an “Island Fashion” conference this weekend. It began last night with a runway show featuring beautiful youths preening and prancing in beachwear. We were watching from the back of the show when I was approached to star in the finale. Apparently my style was noted for originality and definition.

There was credit given to my “anonymity” approach with my headdress, the complete covering of my lily-whiteness saving others from the glare from my skin, and my laudable attempt to blend in with a swanky cover-up. The addition of my old, crappy house slippers was an attraction for the older attendees.

We returned to our condo home where my husband, proud spouse, did a photo shoot. I offer you the best of the phenomenal takes showcasing my lack of a tan – or sunburn. Pity the entourage who had to travel with me.


Have board, will travel.

Vacation requires the “fast scrabble” version. No keeping score, creating words quickly. Unsuspecting travelers with me do not realize there will be a board on board! Thankfully the unsuspecting one is my bro and he is willing to indulge me in a puzzle-for-the-day.

We did not create anything memorable, but we did awaken our brains a bit. Heading out to enjoy the beauty of the islands.

How to Tell it’s Vacation #2

You are googling, “How to crack a coconut.”

We are ruing the fact that we forgot to bring a screwdriver and hammer. However, the resort peeps definitely know what to do and we may be hunting them down for an activity today. My duct tape will not solve this issue, unless my brother happens to chop his finger off.

Simple joys with nature’s toys.

How to Tell it’s Vacation

  • Palm trees abound
  • Your summer clothes are too tight
  • You might be driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Feral chickens roam the country
  • Your hair acquires natural sun-enhanced highlights
  • You missed a spot on your arm when ‘screening up
  • The boat captain is a character
  • There are fruity drinks
  • You see juvenile drummer fish when diving
  • You actually are diving
  • You don’t look at the weather for your home
  • Wet stuff lies strewn about
  • Any kid by the pool will find you
  • You live dangerously with the possibility of a coconut hitting your head

…and finally, you have some nice photos to share.