Drainage Issues

Aside from my nose, the South side of the house has some problems we have been trying to resolve for a year. It’s come down to the final stage…hauling rock.

We’ve hired a reliable crew member to aid us – our son. (I’m hoping he reads this missive.) The weather is cooperating nicely so it’s the optimal time to achieve proper drainage. It’s also the perfect time to clean the patio furniture and haul it in along with the wood for the fireplace.

Little Home on the Prairie weekend?


Remember the good old days when you went to work or school sick? That perfect attendance record was in reach! I never had that, but I did go out in public many a time – if you call having “the common cold” being sick.

Actually, there was a time I had to show up to teach a class on a weekend because there was no one to substitute. Students came from rural areas as well as the city, so I couldn’t ”call off” the class on short notice. I gingerly pulled myself out of bed for that one and made it through three hours.

My son deserves credit for toughing it out in school with a double ear infection so that he wouldn’t miss sports that afternoon. We were on our way to the ER early morning when he told me he knew it was an ear infection and he’d just as soon go to get antibiotics after school and practice. He was in third grade.

We all have stories of slogging through the day crippled by illness. The nice thing about a cold is taking cough syrup and slathering on the Vick’s Vap-o-Rub. There’s something comforting in that little self-care ritual.


Years ago I ordered the small inspirational magazine, ”Guideposts,” for my mother. For some reason I receive it and have for years. I’m assuming a snafu exists somewhere?

Anyway, the August issue is my granddaughter’s favorite reading material. She puts my glasses around her neck and looks intently through the publication. We have been doing this, well, since August? We find the dogs in the photos. It is quite entertaining, mostly to watch her.

My grandfather used to read, ”National Geographic,” to us kids as we sat by him on the sofa, explaining the exotic photos. The tradition continues.

The Answer

Especially during this costume-time-of-year, here is a simple answer when you are asked, ”What should I be?” “Oh, be joyful!”

It’s a simple name, and the O Be Joyful campground was just that. While dry camping the past few days, we were privy to the beauty and majesty of the self-proclaimed entry signs when driving into Colorado. “Welcome to Colorful Colorado.” We roughed it with no wifi connection, and only used our handheld camera phones to snap photos. It was a soul-filling few days.

Of course, we weren’t alone, as evidenced by this photo. ”Pristina” snapped proof of the spying going on all around us. The new header on the blog is proof of the state motto. And in honor of the campground, I shall be joyful!


Questions: Who weeds the garden in a dress? Who plays in the gravel in a dress? Who mows the property in a dress?

Answers: Daughter, Granddaughter, and Grandmother.

Well, no sense creating more laundry when you have to be glammed up first thing in the morning? It’s just our little family contribution to water conservation.

What’s For Dinner?

Rarely have I had to work so hard to prepare a meal. However, Friday night’s fare required more than usual.

We had purchased a prepared frozen meal from Trader Joe’s, placed it in the kitchen fridge freezer front door, and the meal decided to conform to its surroundings. We couldn’t get it out of the skinny bin. I had to defrost the entire appliance, which meant moving all of the food to the outside appliance. Thank goodness we had another option – first world opportunity, obviously.

Unfortunately, even that did not result in the thawing of our meal, which then became Saturday night’s dinner. The upside? We had Indian cuisine Friday evening, a favorite.

Luckily, we have options.


Although I am not repairing anything I am ”keeping” and conserving history.

I have a 48-star American flag which my father gave to my sister. Both are deceased, but my sister felt it imperative to give to me before she passed. I also have two certificates from my husband’s grandfather. One is for meritorious service in the war, signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the second honoring services in the “War with the German Imperial Government and Austria” signed by Calvin Coolidge. The most beautiful certificate, however, is the one touting my grandmother’s eighth grade graduation. It is embellished, large, and elegantly scribed.

History is fascinating. I am now considering redecorating in that motif rather than my current travel theme in the lower level.

I’ll let the grandkids decorate with my memorabilia.


Two things reminded me that proportion is learned. Both instances were about 50 years apart in their understanding.

Sorry, Sis. My sib sent me a photo of the new furniture in her family room, and yes! The individual pieces selected made the room look larger and more inviting. It was gorgeous. The large comfy sofa really wasn’t proportional to that space.

The second event was my little charge dragging the Barbie car downstairs and endeavoring to sit in it. It was a car, she had a Little Tykes car, and why shouldn’t she sit there?

It’s fun watching people learn.


I’m pretty sure those were Christmas lights on the trees at the local shopping district. Already? In all fairness, the weather is warmer now than in November when they usually arrive, so maybe it’s excusable.

As we prepare for the holiday season, just thought I’d suggest some gift ideas for your loved ones. They are sure to be appreciated in our current economy.