It doesn’t matter what I do. If a piece of avocado touches a plate or bowl it will be firmly cemented on that dining dish via the dishwasher. I might as well wash by hand because I’m going to have to do it anyway.
Because of this propensity for stick-with-it-ness, I began to wonder what that little botanical fruit is doing inside my body? To what is it adhering? Are they really that good for me?
Prompted by these niggling thoughts I did my research and present the findings. I’ll keep eating these overpriced gems because I like them and they have a bunch of good stuff packed into such a little berry. (Yes, technically a berry.) And I’ll keep running the plates through the dishwasher and rewashing them, ever hopeful they will one day make it out of there without baked on green stuff.
- Calories: 322
- Fat: 30 grams
- Protein: 4 grams
- Carbs: 17 grams
- Fiber: 14 grams
- Vitamin C: 22% of the daily value (DV)Trusted Source
- Vitamin E: 28% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 35% of the DV
- Riboflavin (B2): 20% of the DV
- Niacin (B3): 22% of the DV
- Pantothenic acid (B5): 56% of the DV
- Pyridoxine (B6): 30% of the DV
- Folate: 41% of the DV
- Magnesium: 14% of the DV
- Potassium: 21% of the DV
- Copper: 42% of the DV
- Manganese: 12% of the DV