Click, Click, Click

We have a gas stove which we are committed to keeping, even through we are on the endangered list of appliances. I figure we’ll be grandfathered in when we sell the home, just as we shall be with our wood-burning fireplace. Rebels, we are.

Last night’s dinner provided much “clicking” as the gas jets on the stove apparently had a little difficulty fully providing fuel to the burners. Thus, we had a fun activity for the evening – dismantling the stove top burners and cleaning them. It provided an opportunity for us to read the manual which I had just placed in the appropriate drawer that morning as I reassembled the kitchen cupboards.

Yes, my spouse and I know how to liven things up around here. Whatever shall we “fix” today? I’d steam clean the draperies I hand-washed in this cleaning binge, but my neighbor is out of town, thus saving me the task of borrowing her steamer and getting myself all hot and sweaty.

Guess I’ll head to the gym instead.