In class last night a reference was made to a parent who says, “Don’t make me stop this car!” Idle threats?
Not in my family! My father would stop the car en route to our grandparents. We would be exercising sibling rivalry or brother-torture, and I guess it could get to the breaking point. The car would stop on a two-lane road, out the three of us in the back would climb, and my dad would take off. Modern day child abuse for sure! While we grumbled walking the 100 feet or less, feeling like it was at least two miles, we would become united in our efforts to be mad at dad, thus becoming closer-knit. What a wonderful strategy, which I employed twice in my own child-rearing.
Of course, there was an additional bonus which occurred to me last night. My siblings used to get motion sickness, one on each side of me. A good ambling in the fresh air could have been a preventative measure?
“Last Day” After hugging and saying goodbye to all my best friends at camp, I jumped in the car and off we went on the drive home. Not far down the road, I could feel my stomach gurgling: the damn cocoa was the culprit. We made it home, but the car sure stank! Why can’t my mother remember the cocoa problem? This was long ago. Wonder if the kids/grands inherited my affliction? XOJ
You know the drill!