Drives Me Nuts

Now, I am not a speech pathologist or linguist, and I’m not the grammar police as I do create a misstep or two, but I do think there are a few things which we need to pound into people’s heads. I heard one of them again on a newscast! I thought those people might be vetted for their grammar usage?

“Me and him.” So wrong. “Me and my dog.” In no instance is “me” the subject of a sentence. Yes, newscaster.

Say the word “butter” without the hard “t” sound. Buhuh? Yes. That one became obvious years ago when a prominent newscaster kept pronouncing something without the hard “t” sound. I was beginning to think it was a regional deal since I hear it frequently, until I harkened to it last night on the national news. Many words have a double “t” that needs to be addressed. That poor letter.

I’m reading a biography on Thomas Jefferson, man of many languages and prolific writing. I think that’s the basis for this mini-rant. We have so dumbed ourselves down educationally. I guess it just got to me last night?

Off I go to learn the “word of the day.”

2 thoughts on “Drives Me Nuts”

  1. One of my pet peeves is when people say
    Do you mind if I ask you something?
    They person responds Sure, or yes what is it?

    What they really mean is no I don’t mind.

    1. Amen to that! We have so many silly idioms. Oh – there’s worse out there, but unfortunately, too many young ones with horrendous grammatical usage. Sigh.

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