
The theme of the year is…metaphorical. We English Majors keep the world spinning, so my sister and I (she’s a numbers girl though) chose an appropriate motif to guide us. It is meant to help us sift and sort through what is most important to us. But before we enter that time-honored tradition of giving the year a theme, let us recall the past honorees, good and bad.

It all began with the pineapple and an embellished dish towel from “Pann.” “Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.” We tried to emulate pineapples the first year. After that we moved to mermaids, swimming through life. We had a sub-theme for the porch one year, that of “lemons.” We went on to camels, penguins, octopi, and of course, the ever-popular-no-one-remembers 2023 theme – “whales.” (I guess that one was just too large for us to understand?) The bigger question in all of this – why do my baby sister and I choose a theme? Easy answer. Silliness – and in complete honor of our middle sister who still remains with us in our yearly efforts to laugh and enjoy this world.

Therefore, this year we shall be honoring the beloved and cherished, “purse.” Call it a satchel, bag, tote, whatever…but we throw a lot into our purses and expect them to produce what we need when we want it! But do we properly restore them, replenish the supplies, respect their tender hides? Once in awhile I manage to throw a package of tissues in after I’m searching for the remains of a well-used scrap. Most often I’m lugging around two to three pair of glasses I haven’t removed. I often throw my bag on the floor, scraping up grime and muck from around the world. My purses, though taken for granted, have been stoic, hanging in there year after year, travel after travel, celebration after celebration.

Obviously, the purse is a metaphor for your life. What are you toting around that needs replenishing, tossing, restoring? (Sometimes you just need to start over and get a new purse, too…unless your name is “Pristina.” You have enough.) Whatever it is – enjoy ruminating on this extended metaphor and share the theme with those around you, especially strangers. Somehow they seem to think they have missed a TikTok about this or a tweet from an influencer. You just go be an influencer all on your own and add some silliness to 2024!

Happy New Year from the theme-determining committee of two. We appreciate your support.

7 thoughts on “Drumroll…”

  1. Ha, finally, the recognition Purses everywhere deserve. Now I’m off, there’s a pink beauty I’ve had my eye on.

  2. I’ve been wanting a new purse! Thanks for empowering me to make this New Year’s purchase in honor of this year’s theme!

  3. I love this year’s theme! My Christmas gift to myself was a beautiful red purse. So, I guess I was anticipating this year’s theme! Great minds think alike….or I am trying to be a Neinaber.

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