FalPal Club

It’s been about 15 years since the last FalPal meeting. The participants can no longer recall what the acronym even means? Its purpose was to “help each other finish projects for which we have lost motivation to do so on our own.”

My friend got a nice set of curtains out of the deal! I got a room painted! It was going well those first two meetings. Then it was “delay of game.” Until this morning…

The aptly named “Sticks and Stones” project was completed. Although simple in nature, and one which we might have rebuffed if our children had created it in grade school art class, we were pretty proud. To further excite the crowd of crafters, I actually hung mine for all to see. We had a few glitches.

However, we accomplished a project! 15 years and three projects. Pride burst forth from the spouses.

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