Island Fashion

Our resort is hosting an “Island Fashion” conference this weekend. It began last night with a runway show featuring beautiful youths preening and prancing in beachwear. We were watching from the back of the show when I was approached to star in the finale. Apparently my style was noted for originality and definition.

There was credit given to my “anonymity” approach with my headdress, the complete covering of my lily-whiteness saving others from the glare from my skin, and my laudable attempt to blend in with a swanky cover-up. The addition of my old, crappy house slippers was an attraction for the older attendees.

We returned to our condo home where my husband, proud spouse, did a photo shoot. I offer you the best of the phenomenal takes showcasing my lack of a tan – or sunburn. Pity the entourage who had to travel with me.