“Keepy Uppy”

It’s the name of the game where you keep the balloon from touching the ground under any circumstances. We play it religiously whenever the eldest grand graces our home. Yesterday, the balloon met its ultimate fate – a pair of scissors to hasten its demise.

It’s actually a great game for hand-eye coordination and neck strengthening, as well as encouragement for breath support when you have to acquire a new balloon. I have found this simple game rather useful in my exercise regime, even though it gets a little tedious. It is often followed by another functional breathing technique – blowing bubbles. This entertaining exertion can last nearly as long as a game of Keepy Uppy. (Rumored to have been played for 20 minutes at a time.)

A flimsy excuse for not hitting the gym at all last week, and yet, not entirely without results! Now I shall attempt my “sit and be fit” moment with a cup of caffeine and make it a memorable Monday.

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