
…the best medicine! My sister is visiting.

We have had enough belly-laughs to produce core-strengthening in our abs. It’s the best exercise of all. Last night my daughter planned an evening which turned into quite the fun. Trivia night!

This was the upscale kind of event at a hip bar, using our phone to answer the questions. Even though we kept our mouths covered from possible lip-readers as we discussed answers, we did not eke out a win or even an honorable mention for our clever name. (It wasn’t very clever, just difficult to pronounce.)

Oh, get a young person to plan your evening and it’s sure to expand your funny bone. We would have continued the amusement with the “silent disco” event downtown, but it was already past our bedtime and it was only Monday evening. We have the rest of the week to pack with liveliness.

Thus, I shall be running this morning to Home Depot to curb my enthusiasm with the purchase of deck sealant and mulch, both to be applied in this glorious weather. My guess is we could make even those mundane tasks an entertaining event!

1 thought on “Laughter…”

  1. Catching up in all these musings. Love it! Keep it up. It’s like you’re reading them to me xxxx

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