Make and Do

The Childcraft Encyclopedia had an entire volume entitled, “Make and Do.” This fantastic book in the series nudged me to create and experiment with resources at hand in my formative years. Often the resource was a simple box.

Currently there is a huge cardboard box in my basement awaiting inspiration. Years ago I channeled that early CC volume and created submarines for my own children out of boxes. Do they remember that? I don’t know, but we had fun doing it and they had hours of enjoyment until I couldn’t stand to trip over them anymore. (The boxes, not the kids.) My daughter uses boxes to contain little ones while they paint, use markers, crawl, or sticker-ize them. (The current art medium of choice.) And with the dawn of Amazon shipping everything everywhere there is no lack for creative resources!

While it’s tempting to dissect that monster in the basement it did come in useful as a table for a child’s baby monitor this past weekend. Thus, it’s going nowhere at present and awaiting its reincarnation.

2 thoughts on “Make and Do”

  1. Good memories of times with my brothers when my dad brought home boxes from work. Hours of entertainment!

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