Monday Night Football has always been a “friend” of sorts.

When my husband traveled weekly and left on those Mondays eons ago, I would put the kids to bed and catch the end of a game. I didn’t care who was playing, just that there was something I enjoyed watching and fairly predictable, comfortable. Of course, we didn’t have the myriad choices we do now for evening entertainment.

Many times when we’ve been separated my spouse and I will put the game on in our different time zones and watch it together, commenting on who is seeing the great play first. “Don’t tell me!” Watching a game and critiquing strategies kept me grounded and helped me to sleep during long stretches of being away.

This is only relevant in that I’m awaiting a call from my two-hour-time-difference-this-evening husband. He might need me to give expert commentary as he attempts to drift off to sleep!

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