
Now it feels like the New Year! Yes, I know we’ve had Christmas and New Year’s celebrations on a Wednesday before, but this year it threw me for a loop. I kept thinking it was Monday for a few days, and then I was looking for a Monday to start my resolutions and my cleaning! My, my, how set in my ways I can be.

Really, I don’t clean on Monday anyway. That’s a Thursday ritual. And resolutions? I make them every day, so I didn’t need today for that either. Perhaps it was the idea of getting back to a routine, which, when I have a routine, I get bored. Sigh.

Perhaps I shall celebrate the Irish tradition of Women’s Christmas with a hearty stout instead of tea, and a chocolate candy instead of cake. That seems like the way to usher in the year, even if I’m not Irish. Thank you for that information, “Pann,” my Irish lass friend!