My Genius Sister

Never mind she has three boys with ‘nary pink in sight,
She occupied their brilliant minds and brought them much delight.
She has the best ideas, I’m so thankful that she shares.
Her thoughts keep me progressing, in spite of my grey hairs.  

The bouncy house she said I needed, now comes to save the day!
It’s in my daughter’s basement, providing ample play.
I’m trying to stay away from phones to keep my pups from screen time.
A smart watch is the answer!  I can sneak a look in the mean time.

So as I amble down this road, navigating little things,
I rely on my sister to give me advice in what her thinking brings.  
The problem I have seen thus far, and I know it might seem funny,
As much as I love and treasure her, she’s costing me lots of money!