New Game

Watching “Jeopardy” brought to mind a new version which we are employing…although we aren’t actually using pen and paper. You get credit for the answer when you realize you know it!

Mostly we look at the other person and say, “you knew that!” Or the other person answers and none of the contestants do and we are totally amazed. It’s one of those little things that secures your belief that you have married an intellect.

It just goes with being tired at the end of the day and watching this mind game. We watch “Jeopardy” when we’re together and can binge a bunch of episodes. Why don’t we retirees watch “Jeopardy” in the morning when we are fresh and able to answer questions? When that college class on Old English Literature might actually come into play? When the smidgeon of American History taught in high school ago might apply? (Personal complaint.) We don’t because we are off to accomplish something!

My day is coming. There will be grammar and usage questions to come – as well as Latin and Greek root words. I hope the young children of my kids’ school remember the videos we initiated to help them learn the root words – our nationally acclaimed and recognized program in elementary education. (Sorry, “Panita,” I know we won some award for this. I do not know what it was, but it was deserved!)

At least “Jeopardy” gives me a chance to feel intelligent. Sometimes, all you need is the hope?

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