
You all think I’m nuts, but after yesterday’s episode of Dr. Oz, I stand vindicated.

I never watch Dr. Oz. However, I was stranded in the rocking chair with my sleeping granddaughter and could not change the channel. Do not disturb the sleeping infant, especially on your first babysitting watch, I always say. Well, I never said that, but now I do.

The show was rather informative. Oz was interviewing persons attacked by none other than – vicious squirrels! Video clips! Photos of the stitches required after scrapes with the varmints! Traumatization from those in New York being interviewed! Children who couldn’t go into their yards! My husband saw this, too, by the way.

So, first of all, I thought that those in New York don’t have a clue about wildlife. Typical Midwestern response, which could be true. Then, I empathized. Yes, cute, yes, playful, and yes – give them an inch and they take a mile. (“Pois” – I am not feeding them!) Thus, my guilt at installing solar-powered rodent repellents, which apparently put off a high-pitched sound that my daughter can hear, but not my dog, is assuaged a bit. I only have to get to winter with the technology.

So, sometimes it’s just nice to know you’re not the only one in the battle. Thank you, Dr. Oz. And really – don’t you have something better to do with your time? I don’t, but maybe you do, nationally-televised doctor?

Or maybe I, too, could host a TV show?