Confessions of a Paint Snob

With over forty years of experience painting interiors and exteriors of homes – mine, my sisters and parents, friends – I have learned a thing or two and seen a thing or two.

The evolution of the paintbrush, the roller, the paint itself, the techniques for perfect lines, has all sifted through my well-practiced hands. I have painted with a fine three-bristled art brush to achieve some of my results. Detail is my “specialty.” Thus, I think I know it all.

What a lovely and delightful joy it was to discover I didn’t. Walking off the area of a room rather than measuring carefully with a tape, I estimated that one gallon should really do the trick – if the paint did as promised, which I never ever rely on. I don’t care what they say, it always takes more than the one coat offer to achieve perfection. Mid-painting I panicked and almost ordered another gallon. Prudence took over and I calmed down, trusting the paint expert at Home Depot. I had paint left over!

It truly covered in one coat, didn’t drip (nary a spot on the carpet!) and felt luxurious in its application. Of course I used the best brush and roller with the best paint, a given in the wonderful world of wall transformation.

The nursery looks beautiful. I am humbled and expect to apply this exquisite knowledge to my next project – once my neck, shoulders and arms recover.


Seeing the ads makes me consider a new sport for the games – and it can be winter or summer. Diaper changing.

Picture two infants in need of a change. You have to keep them sequestered, change the squiggling and twisting bodies one at a time as they are strapped in on the changing table, leave no gap in the diaper, and snap those tiny onesie snaps properly, aligning them so as not to have to redo them. Of course it is a timed event, judged on the perfection of the task.

It’s the only possibility I’d have of attending the Olympics.

Where To Start?

There’s nothing like a new family of weeds sprouting upon your return from vacation to get you unmotivated to do anything! It is nice and green though. When it dries out I’ll get to this overgrown property.

Looking for one of those moms is my next plan.

Another Day

We didn’t see the Aurora Borealis last night or on any of the previous evenings. We did make a half-hearted attempt though. In lieu of that site we did capture this stunning photo on our recent destination and decided it belonged as the header. (“We” being “me” decided and husband photographed.)

It’s always nice to get on the water and wonderful to return home to where the yard was watered! You know the routine – dry out and begin mowing. It’s quite possible we are finished with snow and awaiting the return of the hummingbirds.

What a pretty Monday.

“The Kitty”

Back in the days before the ever-useful “Splitwise” app, my sister and I had “the kitty.”

When we traveled we would each throw the same amount of cash into a cute little zippered bag and use it for meals, entrance fees, tips, whatever, even personal items we might like. “The kitty is buying those earrings,” was a handy justification for many purchases! It ended up being a great way to not pay individually or worry about costs. Today, we have apps that do it all for us, even if I had the most difficult time wrapping my head around it when we traveled to Rome. I was still making columns and doing simple math to which my older brain cells were accustomed.

My daughter and her husband introduced us to Splitwise. It tracks and divides and adds and totals without any use of your brain. Of course, this drove me nuts at first, but I came to trust it and appreciate its power.

Just passing along a useful little travel tip for anyone out in the world tired of subtracting and dividing.

The Fly

William Blake came to mind as I sit poised to swat a pesky little bugger who is invading the breakfast hour in this lovely cabin. “Pim” and I sit opposite sides of the table with the swatter poised to deliver the death blow as “Panita” works the coffee table area.

And now I’m feeling a tad guilty for attempting to end this little life so swiftly. He is annoying though. Sigh. I shall be a happy fly today. And this little guy having survived two attempts at meeting his demise, may just live another day.

Little fly,
Thy summer’s play
My thoughtless hand
Has brushed away.

Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?

For I dance
And drink and sing,
Till some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.

If thought is life
And strength and breath,
And the want
Of thought is death,

Then am I
A happy fly,
If I live,
Or if I die.

The Fly, William Blake

Sad Songs

Elton John’s, “Sad Songs Say So Much,” is kind of sappy. And true. And I always liked it with its juxtaposed happy lilt.

Apparently music is on my brain and radio this week. Albert Hammond’s, “It Never Rains In Southern California,” was playing yesterday in my travels. I think that song is one of the saddest. Dashed hopes and dreams. Leaving home. A plea for help. It’s got it all.

I sure hope I start having other tunes invade my brain. Apparently I need to change my channels!

Research Completed

It’s probably what drove “Delta Dawn” to madness – trying to recall the lyrics to a song at 3 a.m. rather than sleeping?

Why I should have that tune rolling around in my head, keeping me awake searching for the words to a second verse in the wee hours of the morning, is beyond me. I guess dredging up old songs brought it on? I never did impersonate Helen Reddy so I have no other theory.

However, it drove me to google-madness this morning and also gave me a great deal of satisfaction. I did know all the words, there is really no second verse in Helen’s version. I should have done the research at 3:15 a.m. and returned to a fitful sleep! Lesson learned.

Thank you, God, for the ability to gulp caffeine and Google.

Willie and Julio

”To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before,” played on the radio. I have no idea which station that throwback was on but it brought back a fond memory.

Is it called “drag” when a woman dresses as a man or just “cross-dressing?” Whichever, I was purposely costumed as Willie singing opposite to a devilishly handsome actor in my studio class, who obviously fit the part of Julio Iglesias. We nailed our lip-syncing duo act for the talent show. We had the audience in stitches. I know exactly where the photo of that event is stored, but it’s so grainy in it’s older technology it’s not worth bringing out of the depths of the closet. Just know I looked pretty darn Willie Nelson-ish.

It still makes me smile to recall that mini-moment of hilarity. Maybe I was a drag king?

May Baskets

My sister is a very good aunt. She is making May baskets for my granddaughters to distribute to the neighbors. How well I remember doing this all through grade school. And…the first time a boy gave me a basket!

I didn’t know what to do. I guess I was supposed to chase him after he rang the doorbell – but I was just too shy, an apparent attribute which wore off somewhere along the road.

The baskets are done, the girls are sleeping, and I am heading out to find the flowers for the creations. FTD delivery day!