Spring Fever

The ambit of my porch redecorating mission knows no bounds! I am painting the front door pink.

First of all, we really do need a new front door. When we get a nice snowstorm, a little drift builds up inside the house. It’s not enough for building a snowman or sledding, so we must remedy that situation. Taking the door off to acquire more moisture does not seem prudent. However, before a new door comes into play, I’m considering a fun color to welcome spring.

Yes…I still have spring fever. It’s been lingering since January, apparently. I’m itching to paint something, to change my outlook, to bring a new perspective!

And of course, green would always be nice a nice welcoming color. My husband just rolls his eyes and says, “Yes, dear.”


Actually, I’m heading to the gym in the morning to get a jump on my workout routine – before the clock springs ahead! And then, I will relax on Sunday and and enjoy my timepiece being set properly again.

Maybe one day we can just keep the time we have and learn to live with it?

I Resemble This Comic

Two days into a kitchen renovation – this is what comes across my news desk.

My cupboards are white. They were white before being replaced as white. They are once again being repainted white. What can I say?

Oh – I would love to paint them green. Grass green. A bright kitchen of green and white and some really cool countertop with green and glitter in it. Little drapery deals with green and white stripes, green exotic plants in the window. Maybe even green dishware? Oh wait – I have that!

I also know that not everyone else likes my color of choice, so I keep honoring that preference with white cabinets in the kitchen, embellishing with colorful decor. Plus – it is very easy to see when your cabinets need cleaning. White is rather unforgiving.

I don’t know that they are in fashion at all, but they are a comfort zone requiring no additional decorative thought. And right now, I have no additional thought to expend on cabinetry!

I’m looking forward to returning my glassware, dishes, cookware, spices, baking goods, medicines, coffee and teas, small appliances, crockpots (oops, I have four, all different sizes though?) to their respective slots. It’s a ghastly venture.

For anyone with extra time or boredom in your day, I highly recommend taking everything out of your cupboards and tabulating what you own. Replace what you need and dispense of items you haven’t used in years. I don’t know that it will do anything other than remind you of what you have and perhaps spur you to make artichokes so you can use those plates?

It could also keep you from a costly renovation.

Did You Get to Hurkle-Durkle?

Words provide a great deal of amusement, especially when they’re obscure and fun to say. “Paroline” sends us this tidbit for the day. Some of you “in the know” or “hip” readers may have already been exposed to this trendy word.

The article was longer, but hey? I didn’t really care about the TikTok gal who popularized the verb. I’m just hoping that one of these days I get to hurkle-durkle!

Nat Geo Update

The beauty to which I returned included the herd of deer grazing throughout the ‘hood, the pesky squirrel romping around again, and the distinct chatter of birds beginning to nest. It was a noisy morning and a welcome homecoming yesterday.

This gorgeous spring weather has me itching to wash windows and air out the house. Yet….we know the consequences of jumping the gun on all of that! Thus, my parka is hung close by, my snow boots still set for action, and the shovel at the ready. But for now…a warm winter morning walk.

Happy March!

The Beauty I Left Behind

The gorgeous steam rolling across the lake this morning was so calming. It was hard to pull myself away and head back home. Thankfully, the drive warmed from a mere 9 degrees to 58 by the time I arrived in my own driveway.

My heart and soul are SO ready for Spring.

It’s a Salad

If it’s got a piece of fruit or possibly a greenish color, it’s a salad. And the most delicious salads are provided at funerals in the Midwestern realms of this great nation. Salads I haven’t had since childhood, salads I do not make and salads I question as being salads.

The delicious Snicker’s salad caught my attention today. It was too yummy to be counted as nutritious, and I ate it! My sister and brother argued it was a chocolate covered graham cracker in that salad yumminess. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it with the frog salad, the orange cream salad, and an actual green leaf salad.

Just a little slice of heaven as we celebrated our friend’s arrival there.

Love Is In The Air

Spring mating season. There was so much roadkill as I drove through the Heartland, I shudder to think of what is sticking in my tires! Critters of every size crossing the roads looking for love.

Oh, just a fun-filled drive complete with a highway accident between two semi-trucks, the first glimpse of Sandhill Cranes arriving earlier than usual, and tumbleweeds galore with the high winds. With all of that excitement I still arrived at my brother’s in time to meet my new grandniece. My SIL made a delicious meal for all of us. Laughter ensued and stories were shared.

The homeland.

Best Awards

I think my brother actually reads what I write….thus, I give him the credit for, “Best Supporting Actor”, in his portrayal of Max Von Detweiler in “The Sound of Music.” I was in college and I actually saw him in action. He was perfect – because he had fun in that role!

Discourse this evening following this memory included the fact that our father went to another town which had previously showcased this musical in which my brother debuted. They had the sets. My dad got the trailer and moved those numerous sets to the school stage which suited his son. I’m sure my brother’s status rose in this procurement. (They had to give him something?) Jab.

No. This is just another small town story. My brother, as many of us are, is a lover of life. He wanted to try the theatre and had fun. Like his older sister, he loved it. Who wouldn’t enjoy being placed in another time or space? It made me think, “We should all be cast in another’s shoes.” We should be given the opportunity to be somebody else without judgment. Theater.

The theater is the greatest place to experiment when you are young, quite frankly at any stage. Putting ourselves in another’s shoes is a gift. And, older now, we can do that without a performance. We can do it in every day life by merely paying the bill for a mother and her children at the restaurant. Maybe by stepping up and lifting that wheelchair? Just opening a door? Every day when I am out in public, I can see where I can be in another’s shoes. It used to be called, “courtesy.” We don’t need a drama class, we just have an opportunity.

So…portraying another person, life, episode….it’s grounding. Hey – congrats, Bro!

Perm Rods

Yes, I still have the plastic curlers used for permanent waves. This came to light as my sister was poking fun at the craziness we exhibited back in the 70’s and 80’s, when in-home permanents were the rage.

My mother was the queen of providing curls for her three daughters. Often, when we were all together, we just lined up for beautification. We could whip through three perms in two hours – taking turns curling and rinsing. Sometimes, horror of horrors, we shared a perm! Three could get the use of two and save money on the Lilt product. One has to wonder the damage we inflicted on each other’s heads? No wonder we never made it to “hair model” status. We have the photos to prove it, too.

So, those rods are safely stored in a little-used cabinet. Why? They make me laugh when I happen upon them. Good times.