
I know I didn’t post for a few days. That’s okay. My sister and I were enjoying the time with the future generation and keeping up with our own lives. At the same time we were reminiscing and missing our third compatriot – the “fun” sister.

Our middle sister was the spark of the family and she is sorely missed. As with many people, December is a bittersweet time. We are bombarded with joyful commercials touting giving and gifts, and yet we are well aware that something is missing.

So, we forge ahead, with love and memories to guide us. And I swear, this evening, my sister was behind me, touching my shoulder, giving me courage.

Peace and love spur us on!

The Week is Young

So true. Thanks to my son and bro-in-law for a lovely evening and therapy session. The laughter chases away the worry and sadness we could cling to if we didn’t have each other!

Looking forward to more remedial treatment today.

The Moment

Sometimes I think writers live totally “out of the moment” on the journeys they compose. Whatever they are creating is a recollection or a prediction or a wish. Really, no matter what you think though, you are always “living in the moment.”

Don’t ask me how we got here. Perhaps it was the road sign? Perhaps the meme. Perhaps the coffee is extra strong and the scarf around my neck is obstructing blood flow? Whatever the cause I shall be intent on living in the moment, sword and shield in hand.

Watch out, Thursday, here I come!

Ain’t It The Truth?

We had a blast yesterday entertaining a little two-year old. The park, a restaurant with a booth, a lollipop after nap, riding her motorcycle outside in the glorious weather, and of course, the “bouncy house.” She was properly returned to her parents with enough sugar and energy to sustain her through dinner.

It will be hard to top that fun today!


When we use the words, “I’m stuck,” we’re telling my two-year old granddaughter that we are feeding one of the twins, burping, changing, rocking to sleep, thus unable to attend to her needs. Sometimes it’s useful to be stuck, sometimes it is not. Yesterday, I was truly stuck – in the car wash.

It was a new experience. Being mid-wash on the rails of a behemoth facility with chamois cloths hemming you in is interesting. Had I known I’d be in there for ten minutes I would have taken a Power Nap. I could have begun addressing Christmas cards, filing my nails, or cleaning out my satchel. Instead I sat there wondering if and when I would be released, unable to make a phone call because an inoperable car wash is still very noisy.

Off I go to get myself stuck again with a more pleasurable form – baby duty.

Holiday Hosting

Perusing the Pinterest choices for ideas, I came across this “lovely” item, billed as the “hot new idea” for charcuterie boards. Who would even want to touch this odd display?

”I want that cracker on the bottom,” would be my first comment. After that, the roof would cave in, the dip and pepperoni mushing to the bottom thus decapitating the snowman made of marshmallows?

You won’t be pawing through this presentation at my house so you’re safe to visit! Looking forward to the festivities and joy of the season.

Out Shopping

Look who wandered through the backyard looking for deals yesterday! A herd romped through our property to the neighbor’s house – well, two bucks and five does. How many are in a herd?

We knew someone was traipsing through the backyard as one of our saplings has been mowed over. It was what I call a “coyote day.” That’s my term for the grey, dreary days when a coyote could sneak around undisturbed, and often did when they were more prevalent. I even opened the draperies in the kitchen early morning because I anticipated a possible wildlife sighting, not to get any warmth from the sun which was hiding all day.

It was a perfect “Black Friday” shopping day.

Five Minutes

The pie crust probably only took five minutes – I forgot to time it. I did manage to splatter the pumpkin filling all over the countertop, coffee maker, blinds and backsplash. Also, the traditional “Five Minute Fudge” I have made successfully hundreds of times did not set properly, although it was quite tasty.

There is a five-minute rule floating around here somewhere? Oh, I see more pumpkin splatter now that the early morning light is directed towards the sink. Great! I was wondering what I would do with my free time today? One thing is certain and that is the breakfast fare. Pumpkin pie!

Thanks for the thanks, faithful readers. “Onward ever, ceasing never.”

Holiday Musing

The pumpkin pie is ready, the turkey rests in wait,
Piling up our blessings on this very special date.

Remembering our loved ones, those gone, those far and near,
Toasting to the memories with family so dear.

Wishing strength and joy to soothe the weary souls,
Prayers for peace to fill the hearts with empty holes.

We find that even in this world, torn with war and strife,
Goodness can be found in every corner of our life.

While we dine and feast on food prepared with care and love,
Take a moment, raise your eyes, and thank the Lord above.