A Bad Idea?

Years ago when I had a minor surgery in the hospital, I thought how pleasant it could be to have your color choice of tubing running through the machines. After all, you get to choose the color of the tape bandaging your arm after donating blood? A brightly colored lime green tube or hot pink one could perk up the atmosphere.

Albeit poking fun of the pharmaceutical needs we all have at some point, I thought this little gem went along with the idea.

Taking a moment to be grateful for all pharmacists and doctors who keep us rolling along!

Thursday Routine

There used to be one. It was “cleaning day” for me years ago. The weekend arrived with a house ready for visitors or entertaining. Now, I just “think” of cleaning on Thursdays.

The list for “some day” grows longer and longer, especially when I open the windows in the evening for that cool air and allow the dust and pollen access to all dust-able surfaces. I’ve been exploring many options for tackling those niggling chores: dusting blinds, vacuuming under beds, floorboards, etc…

Finally, a realistic solution.

And I think we all have a touch of OCD about something. Thankfully, aging takes care of some of that obsessing business.

Go clean something. I’m off to employ myself.

Private Flight

There was a report on this morning’s news of a man catching a flight to find himself the only passenger. My daughter and I could have made the news, too!

Years ago we flew to San Francisco with a connecting flight. We landed, deplaned, sat in the small terminal awaiting our 20-minute flight, and sat. There was no one at the gate, the counters, and of course, no security as it was pre-911. What did we do? We called my husband.

As a 500 million mile flyer, (slight exaggeration) he knew the ropes. He learned we still had a flight and we just had to wait. Apparently, our connection left early as everyone but my daughter and I were there. Perhaps they were gambling we wouldn’t show? We did and had an entire flight to ourselves.

The flight attendant did her job and ran through the safety business. We sat in the rear and mid-flight rang her little call button. We just wanted to thank her and give her a little something to do.

Apparently those days of travel are gone with thousands of delays this weekend. Safe travels holiday wanderers.

13 Ingredients

The recipe taunted me, looking so delicious. “Easy. Simple. Ingredients in your pantry.” These were the descriptors in my search for an uncomplicated appetizer.

There were 13 ingredients, and only salt and pepper are in my pantry! I may have to head back to that old church cookbook for an idea. Those tried-and-true really relied on what was at hand. As a matter of fact, whenever I feel the urge to bake, I know I’ll have the ingredients and the recipe right there.

It’s too hot for any culinary crafting anyway. I guess I’ll just keep researching.


Along with ice cream, nothing else initiates summer like an outdoor concert. Last week I happily attended two!

While one concert was at the Botanic Gardens on the lush lawn, attended by hundreds and surrounded with floral delight, the other was in a backyard with family and friends surrounded by neighborhood dogs. Of course, the second one was my favorite since the lead guitarist was my son! I am now officially a groupie mom.

Onward summer fun!

Hint of Truth

This musing made me laugh as I often think, “How can she even muster the strength to open her eyes with those lashes?” My eyes are weary enough without adding more weight than my cheap mascara offers.

This came to mind as I have had difficulty in fully removing my mascara during my “beauty routine.” Perhaps washing my face with warm water rather than cold could solve the problem? It would require additional time in my hectic schedule, but could be worth a try.

Stay tuned for more beauty tips.

Pure Happiness

That’s the title of the photo given by my Canadian gem-of-a-friend, “Pusan.” It seems fitting to send us into the weekend as I bake and cook and plan a meal. The sun is out with the promise of a few dry days. Ice cream is on the menu!


We had a wonderful Midwest-type of thunderstorm early morning – as in midnight on. Stunning skies, torrential rain, and of course, thunder.

Years ago I was babysitting my siblings during such a storm when the loudest crack in the world was heard. Our house shook. Of course, we were used to storms and all let out a “whoop!” The next morning our parents asked if we were scared but we were not really too fazed. We hadn’t called them to come home so I guess we were fine? They proceeded to inform us that the lightening had struck the biggest tree by the side of the house. Dumb kids.

Last night the boom was so loud I actually texted my neighbor at 12:48 a.m. to ensure she was okay. I knew she couldn’t possibly have slept through that one. “Yes, all good. Sounded like a canon.”

As long as no one gets hurt I do enjoy the fury of Mother Nature. She merely mirrors the unrest in the world. And continues to bring beneficial rains keeping me mowing ever single week for days at a time. Never has this world been so green. Thanks, Mom.

The Ticket

Somewhere in Europe, in a three-story house, there is a box in a basement closet that I was supposed to take with me to the airport. It’s about 3X3X5 feet. It has clothes in it. I remembered the box after I was at the airport struggling to find my ticket.

Of course, this was the dream that woke me this morning. I had already returned to the house once to collect four coats I had left behind, so I couldn’t go back for the box, and I couldn’t find my ticket. It was tough to wake up. I tried to get back to sleep to resolve the issue, but alas, could not. Instead I got up and mowed the lawn before the heat of the day.

Perhaps that was the gift of the harrowing dream? Now I want to go and clean out my closets!

No Getting Away With It

Growing up in tiny town, middle America, pretty much meant the village knew where you were and what you were up to. It all circled around and either came back to haunt or taunt.

Just remembering those lovely moms who kept us in line. Thanks to Betty, Mom’s best friend and neighbor, whose phone number I inadvertently called from college because her number was the one I called most! Who called home back then?

Monday Mom Musing.