Some things are worth keeping from those “days of yesteryear.” Tips on how to avoid laundry are always appreciated.
I managed to begin my day yesterday accomplishing quite a few tasks, including breakfast with a friend. Upon arriving home, I continued to work on my tasks, only glancing at my blouse to “tuck in the facing” which was popping out. However, it wouldn’t return to the inside, but only because the entire shirt, including facing, was already on the inside, outside.
Well, with that in mind, I decided to rewear what I wore yesterday because now I have it on correctly and it’s clean, just as if it had been laundered. No one will notice, because I have changed my earrings to sport “Fourth-of-July-approaching” mode. Another fun diversion to employ!
Stay tuned. I’m certain I will acquire more blunders in my arsenal of faux pas fashion.