Recovered Ode to the New Parents

It’s impossible to even explain how I recovered this brilliant work, made in the sleep-deprived hours of the night. Okay – I wrote it with a cup of coffee and in my pjs, casually watching the sun rise. I was just about to write an ode to my brilliant sister, “Parie,” who has raised Irish twins, when I discovered this creative mess. She’ll get credit tomorrow.

Ode to the New Parents

Your days are filled with triple the fun as you add another two! 
Precious little girls to fill your days, bringing joy anew.
It’s hard to say when you will sleep? A goals that’s tough to achieve! 
But with your constant love and care, you will, you must believe! 

Welcome to the world little babes, lucky little pups. 
You will soon learn to share your parents, toys and sippy cups. 
For all too soon you’ll be so grown, we won’t remember when, 
You were not yet with us, and we waited for you! Amen.