Where is your driver’s license?
My husband was dragging my satchel upstairs to have me locate said document in order to see how my name is properly registered. Hm. Where was that little piece of plastic? Not in my purse.
Since I had just finished sorting laundry and emptying pockets, I was suddenly dismayed. I knew I had it yesterday! After finding numerous tissues, I thought I had done a thorough job of cleaning out the places that stash all of my necessary items for the day. However, in the most obvious pocket of all, out pops my license. Thankfully I had not done the dark colors first or it would have been cleaned and sanitized, most assuredly rendering it useless at the airport.
Thanks to my spouse for his timely question. The challenge of emptying my pockets more throughly continues. At least I’ve learned to check the sleeves for stashed tissues!