We have an old wall phone, no longer in use, and yet – the perfect toy! Our granddaughter was given the privilege of standing on a chair and using the phone for her communication. Guess what? She always called, “Grandma!”
We chatted and she was the doctor. We had to bring the elephant in for a stomach ailment apparently, something her grandfather initiated. The elephant ate too many leaves and was sick, so the leaves had to be removed. I tell you – it’s always interesting – the stories we can create for entertainment. But stories are always the best – and most important ways of learning. We pass the family knowledge through stories. We pass the faith through the bible – greatest story. We transfer our wisdom through the stories of our experience.
Stories! I can’t wait to publish my first – and thank you to my son for helping me.
Let’s hope no college revelations with names, asking for a friend😉
Oh! I have no wisdom to offer from college, but plenty of stories!