
When we use the words, “I’m stuck,” we’re telling my two-year old granddaughter that we are feeding one of the twins, burping, changing, rocking to sleep, thus unable to attend to her needs. Sometimes it’s useful to be stuck, sometimes it is not. Yesterday, I was truly stuck – in the car wash.

It was a new experience. Being mid-wash on the rails of a behemoth facility with chamois cloths hemming you in is interesting. Had I known I’d be in there for ten minutes I would have taken a Power Nap. I could have begun addressing Christmas cards, filing my nails, or cleaning out my satchel. Instead I sat there wondering if and when I would be released, unable to make a phone call because an inoperable car wash is still very noisy.

Off I go to get myself stuck again with a more pleasurable form – baby duty.

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