Well, the mule was not Sal but moi. And it wasn’t 15 miles, it was 15 gallons.
Last night we had not the gentle rains and nurturing moisture of a good soaking. We had a deluge. Thankfully, whilst speaking with “Piana,” I suddenly recalled the last deluge and my slowness-to-action. I ran to the basement and saw the beginnings of the canal. My friend graciously forgave me for jumping into “swab the deck” mode.
Bucket and mop acquired, along with all of the beach towels I own, I spent an hour sponging up water on the tiles in front of the basement door, keeping the water from the carpet. 15 gallons. Praying for the waters to part. Considering the amazing workout I was getting. Thinking about how I was going to create a new drainage diversion next week. Wondering why my spouse was gone for both episodes? Remembering that moisture is a good thing here. We Coloradans know that within three days we will have crevasses the size of a small nation in the backyard.
The other upside? My buried rosaries should sink in. Oh – and forgive me! If you have a broken rosary, I am happy to bury it on my boulevard. Off to play water engineer in the yard!