“The Kitty”

Back in the days before the ever-useful “Splitwise” app, my sister and I had “the kitty.”

When we traveled we would each throw the same amount of cash into a cute little zippered bag and use it for meals, entrance fees, tips, whatever, even personal items we might like. “The kitty is buying those earrings,” was a handy justification for many purchases! It ended up being a great way to not pay individually or worry about costs. Today, we have apps that do it all for us, even if I had the most difficult time wrapping my head around it when we traveled to Rome. I was still making columns and doing simple math to which my older brain cells were accustomed.

My daughter and her husband introduced us to Splitwise. It tracks and divides and adds and totals without any use of your brain. Of course, this drove me nuts at first, but I came to trust it and appreciate its power.

Just passing along a useful little travel tip for anyone out in the world tired of subtracting and dividing.