Too Far?

The guy at the paint counter said, “Really?” I needed a quart of exterior pink paint for the front door.

I proceeded to tell him that it could be the swiftest way to get a new front door. Perhaps my spouse would insist on replacing the well-worn wood feature with a more modern, energy-efficient entrance if the color was not appealing to him? Of course, I then realized my husband has a slight degree of color-blindness and he might really like the new color? The paint guy just shook his head, I’m sure musing about what kind of day it was going to be.

His parting words, “At least it’s not going to be red.” There is still a sense of humor in the paint department.

2 thoughts on “Too Far?”

  1. What’s wrong with red????? I love my red door, but you really need to hear the story about me convincing the guy painting it that red was what I wanted….and red was what I was getting. lol

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