Up, up, up, up, up!

My mother would give us five “ups” in the morning to get us moving for school, her voice lifting on the last syllable. I thought of that gentle prodding when our smoke detector blared at 5:43 am.

I was already waking as I had to be out and about by 6:45 anyway, appointments filling the morning. And much to my surprise, one of my extra-fun visits ended before it officially was to begin! The yearly mammogram.

Arriving five minutes early of the 15 needed to fill out the paperwork, I corrected a mistake on the forms, sat down and was promptly ushered in for the discomforting procedure. By the time I got in the car, I saw that it was actually one minute before my scheduled appointment time. Now that’s a first. It made up for the 20-minute wait at the doctor to get my tetanus shot.

With renewed confidence in a working smoke detector I hope to waken a tad more gently tomorrow morning. Maybe even have another fun surprise?