
The seven continents have been attained – and it wasn’t even a goal for me. (Playing the guitar was and I have totally given up on that. Silly me! I have a much-less portable instrument. Piano.)

Europe was easy as I made myself a chaperone on a college music trip. (Why would my previous music department go on tour without me? I could easily be a chaperone!) Australia was always a desire, deep in my soul, so I knew that I was going to get there at some point. Back in fifth grade with my Australian pen pal – I remember her name vividly but shan’t reveal it – I knew I would be a traveler. She never wrote back, but I wrote her! What is she doing now? Maybe that should be my adventure? Her initials are CMW.

South America – well, that was also within reach. We are neighbors. Africa – blessed to go a couple of times thanks to business ventures and rewards. Asia? Total fluke. I missed the boat, but I did step foot on Asian soil. Refer to a previous missive.

Antarctica was a dream with “Pindy,” my sister, and we were doing it! Oops! I did get there with Pindy, just a different one! (I love how God works in such mysterious and wonderful ways!)

So when people would ask me, “Where is your favorite place out of all your travels?” My first and only answer was always, “home.” And if I only have one trip left in me, take me home.

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