Why Am I Donating?

The questionnaire for donating blood asks a million questions yet it didn’t ask me the real question today. “Why are you donating?”

Oh, I donate blood sort-of-regularly, depending on the urgency of their emails and the open slots they “might” have. I fill out the fast-track forms every time so as to keep my wait time to a minimum. So far, I have had to refile the forms every single time. It never works. Yet, hope springs eternal and I continue to give it a whirl.

I’m donating today because I’ll be entered into a contest for a free car. Since mine is hail-damaged and the insurance company wants to “total” it, I figured this would be a nice way to get a new vehicle – helping out humanity and all. I’m sure it will pan out for me the way I want, just like the pre-answering of the queries on my health.

I wonder what my new ride will be?