
You may have noted the dearth of blogs. I was in and out of venues, hotels, restaurants and traveling. Therefore, I was a tad leery to enter anything in unsecured locations. (I’m sure there are vampiric forces out there ready to abscond my clever observations?)

Returning home last night I realized no one had run the dishwasher for days. I feared the dishes would be zamzawed. (My new term for use when I overcook food now applies to the crusty dishes I had to run on high heat through the machine.)

You know where today is going! I’ll be on laundry duty as well as kitchen, zamzawing along. It’s just a fun word, isn’t it? I have no idea of the origin of the word and I do believe it only applies to overcooked and heated food. But I am sure I can zamza clothing, too. We are taking liberties in this thoroughly official publication.

Happy delayed Monday now on Tuesday. Welcome back!